casting a commercial for SONY

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Summary We open on a late twenties to mid thirties hip man standing on a city street  wearing his True Wireless. Contrary to the hustle around him, his gate is  more of a glide . Next we have the hustler thirties – forties sat in a taxi and getting taken  to his next location of the day. He is showing the type of guy who is the  first one up in the morning and the last to leave, he represents the jet
setter and the fast liver – the one who cuts the noise out and listens with his headphones. Finally we show the mid twenties to mid thirties woman who has found early  success and enjoys trying out the new way of doing things – she represents the neckband wireless user.

Casting: by appointment only Newman Studios  TOMORROW Friday 30th June at Newman Studios, 42-44 Newman St, London W1


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