Casting a CAR commercial

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Shoot: June 28, 29, 30, and July 2nd.

Fee: £400 per 12 hour shoot day

Travel / Rest / fitting days £200 per day

+ 20% agency fee on all rates

Buyout: Please note they are planning to have more usage we just have not
had the info yet. More buyouts will mean more money on top of the below.

This is just the 1st buyout.

£12,000 + 20% agency fee

1 year all moving media, worldwide exclude US, Canada, India.

We are casting 2 spots for one of Europe’s best commercial / film directors.
He is a Directors director!

The Driver roles must have a Driving license. Performers will be asked to
bring Driving licenses to the casting session.

The gamer does not need to drive.



MALE DRIVER ( Must have a Driving license )

We see a man driving the car, which is bathed in electric-blue light. Our
man is playing age between 35 and 45,

charismatic, natural, elegant & very expressive. He is handsome, charming
and a tiny bit like a wild animal inside.

OCULUS: Spot 2

The film starts with a shot of a man placing an Oculus Rift-type headset (VR
Headset ) over his eyes.

Part 2 spot 2

GAMER: ( Does not need to drive)

Our male is playing age 25 and 30, with a bit of a geek type look.

He is passionate about new technologies, open-minded

Part 3 spot 2

THE DRIVER ( Must drive):

Our Man is playing age 38 – 45 years old.

Charismatic, natural & elegant, he is Handsome an explorer & adventurer.

Please mark the suggestions clearly Subject line: Car

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